Jackass Bitters ... Tres Puntas ... Zebapique ... Gavilana
Jackass Bitters is a member of the Asteraceae family found in Central America, also exists in Grenada, Caribbean (we source from Belize & Grenada). The plant is quickly recognizable by the “three pointed” shape of its leaves (Tres Puntas). it is also recognizable by the yellow flowers and bitter-tasting leaves. These contain a very potent anti-parasitic agent (sesquiterpene dialdehyde) that is particularly active against amoebas, candida, giardia and intestinal parasites.
Jackass Bitters is reputed to regulate and lower blood sugar which can help diabetics manage their condition. We have several feedback of this product being credited with lowering A1C. This is not a medical pronouncement, it is what users have told us, after using the product. The writer of this article confirms that his A1C lowered and he firmly believes it was because of this product.
Draw a tea to treat intestinal parasites. malaria, fungus and ringworm.
Use as a hair wash to get rid of headlice.
You can even use the boiled leaves as an insecticide for house and garden plants.
The product is considered safe when consumed while taking over-the-counter medications, however we recommend to consult your physician to verify.
Draw as a tea, approximately one pinch dried leaves to one cup boiling water or milk.
Soak in vermouth, wine or alcohol to make a tincture. Take shots as you see fit (unfit if pregnant or not alcohol tolerant).
Boil several servings at once, store in the fridge after cooling, decant and take a short glass every morning.
This article is for knowledge and should not be considered a prescription or medically qualified recommendation of the product. We advise if in doubt or unfamiliar with this product, to consult your physician before use.